A Day at the Races Tour
A Day at the Races Tour | ||
Artista: | Queen | |
Album: | A Day at the Races | |
Iniziu: | Milwaukee, Stati Uniti dâ Mèrica 13 di jinnaru 1977 | |
Fini: | Londra, Nglaterra 7 di giugnu 1977 | |
Spittaculi: | 59 | |
Gèniri: | Rock | |
Noti: | x | |
Tour pricidenti: | Summer Gigs 1976 | |
Tour succissivu: | News of the World Tour |
A Day at the Races Tour fu u sestu tour ri cuncerti ru gruppu musicali ngrisi de Queen, ca promossi l'album A Day at the Races. U tour accuminciò 'n Milwaukee (Stati Uniti dâ Mèrica) u 13 di jinnaru 1977 e finiu u 7 di giugnu 1977 a Londra.
Lista canzuni Nord America
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]- Tie Your Mother Down
- Ogre Battle
- White Queen (As It Began)
- Somebody to Love
- Killer Queen
- The Millionaire Waltz
- You're My Best Friend
- Bring Back that Leroy Brown
- Sweet Lady
- Brighton Rock
- '39
- You Take My Breath Away
- White Man
- Freddie Mercury Vocal Cannon
- The Prophet's Song
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Stone Cold Crazy
- Keep Yourself Alive
- Liar
- In The Lap Of The Gods... Revisited
- Now I'm Here
- Big Spender
- Jailhouse Rock
- God Save The Queen (tape)
Lista canzuni Europa
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]- Tie Your Mother Down
- Ogre Battle
- White Queen
- Somebody to Love
- Killer Queen
- Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
- The Millionaire Waltz
- You're My Best Friend
- Bring Back That Leroy Brown
- Death On Two Legs
- Sweet Lady
- Brighton Rock
- '39
- You Take My Breath Away
- White Man
- The Prophet's Song
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Stone Cold Crazy
- Keep Yourself Alive
- In The Lap Of the Gods... revisited
- Now I'm Here
- Liar
- Jailhouse Rock
- God Save The Queen