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Utenti:Michiluzzu Scalisi/English/Special pronunciations

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Special Pronunciations

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The special pronunciations in Sicilian phonetics are those letters and/or vowel and consonantal combinations that have a pronunciation different from that in the corresponding Romance languages. Certain pronunciations aren't found at all in the other Romance languages, others are found in various dialects and subdialects of these languages. The special pronunciations, described in the page above, are dd, dr, g, h, ng, nt, rr, str e tr.

Cluster Pronunciation Example Significato italiano Meaning in English IPA
dd a sound somewhat unique to Sicilian, found also in Sardinian and Corsican. It's the voiced retroflex plosive. chiddu quello that (one) /ɖɖ/
dr like "dr" in the English word "dry". drittu diritto direct /dɹ/
g a sound somewhat unique to Sicilian, like the Greek G, called the voiced velar fricative. pagari pagare to pay /ɣ/
h a sound somewhat unique to Sicilian, like the "h" in the English word "high", called the voiced glottal fricative. mahotu moccio mucus, snot /h/
h a sound somewhat unique to Sicilian, like the "j" in the Spanish word "ojo", called the voiceless velar fricative. hiuri fiore flower /x/
ng like the "ng" in the English word "sing" sangu sangue blood /ŋŋ/
nt a sound between "nt" and "nd" because the tongue touches the palate further back in the mouth tintu cattivo bad, evil /nd/
rr a sound somewhat unique to Sicilian, at least among the Romance Languages, like the "zhe" of Russian. It is the voiced retroflex fricative. parrari parlare to speak /ʐʐ/
str like "shr" in the English word "mushroom", stranceri straniero stranger /ʃɹ/
tr like "tr" in the English word "try", patri padre father /tɹ/