Utenti:Michiluzzu Scalisi/English/Hiatus first group

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First Group[cancia | cancia la surgenti]

The first group consists of vowel clusters that recieve the stress either on the first vowel or on neither one. This group contains the first two types.

First Type[cancia | cancia la surgenti]

The first type in this group consists of the strong vowels, e, a or o, which, as I said above, can receive the stress either on the first vowel or on neither. If the stress falls on the first vowel, the second cannot be either e or o, because these unaccented vowels do not exist in Sicilian. The same also applies when the stress does not fall on either vowel, neither can be e or o.

Cluster Example Esempio Example IPA
ea galiléa galilea /ɛɐ/
aa Nausicaa /aɐ/
oa óasi oasi /ɔɐ/

Second Type[cancia | cancia la surgenti]

The second type in this group consists of strong and weak vowels, in any order, which, as I said above, can receive the stress either on the first vowel or on neither. If the stress falls on the first vowel, the second cannot be either e or o, because these unaccented vowels do not exist in Sicilian. The same also applies when the stress does not fall on either vowel, neither can be e or o.

Cluster Example Esempio Example IPA
ii talíi aprii /iɪ/
ia tia pia /iɐ/
iu riunire /iʊ/
ui cui cui /uɪ/
ua tua /uɐ/