Filu (bioluggìa)
Nu filu (plurali: fila) è nu taxon usatu ntâ classificazzioni scintìfica pi tutti li cosi viventi. La palora latina Phyla veni dû grecu phylai chi foru li gruppi di pirsuni chi vutàvanu ntê stati dâ Grecia antica. Li fila rapprisèntanu li cchiù granni gruppi d'armali e autri cosi viventi chi pussèdinu certi carattiristichi biològgichi. A li voti li fila vennu divisi ntra suprafila.
Li fila cchiù canusciuti sunnu Mollusca, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Artropoda, Echinodermata, Chordata; l'umani s'appartennu cu st'ùrtimu.
Oi lu sistema dî tri duminî veni usatu largamenti e chissu agghiunci lu liveddu di Duminiu supra Regnu comu ddu liveddu cchiù autu.
Lista dî fila di l'armali
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]Filu | Significatu | Nomu cumuni | Carattirìstichi distinti | Speci discritti |
Acanthocephala | Testa spinusa | Vermi câ testa spinusa | Spinusu proboscis | circa 1.150 |
Acoelomorpha | Senza stòmacu | — | Cci nni màncanu la vucca | |
Annelida | Aneddu nicu | Vermi sigmintati | Tanti segghimenti cìrculi | circa 15.000 |
Arthropoda | pedi junciutu | Taràntuli e nzetti | esschèlitru | 1.134.000+ |
Brachiopoda | Vrazzu pedi | Lamp shells | Lophophore e pedicle | tra 300 e 500 |
Bryozoa | Armali di lippu | Armali di lippu | Nuddu pidicuddu, granfi di purpu | circa 5.000 speci viventi |
Chaetognatha | Jancularu chî capiddi longhi | Vermi di fileccia | Spini ogni latu dâ testa | circa 100 speci viventi |
Chordata | Corda | Curdati | Corda càfura chî nervi | 63,000+ |
Cnidaria | Ardìcula spinusa | cèlluli puncenti | circa 10.000 | |
Ctenophora | chi porta nu pèttini | Mucciu di pèttini | Ottu strisci di cilia | circa 100 speci viventi |
Cycliophora | chi porta na rota | Symbion | Vucca cìrcula | armenu 3 |
Echinodermata | Pedda spinusa | — | spini caucificati | circa 7.000 speci viventi 13,000 estinti |
Echiura | Cuda spinusa | Vermi di cucchiara | Àmmuri | circa 140 |
Entoprocta | Dintra anus | Vermu di caliciu | Anus dintra | circa 150 |
Gastrotricha | Hair stomach | Meiofauna | Two terminal adhesive tubes | about 450 |
Gnathostomulida | Jaw orifice | Jaw worms | ||
Hemichordata | Half cord | Acorn worms | Stomochord in collar | about 100 living species |
Kinorhyncha | Motion snout | Mud dragons | Eleven segments, each with a dorsal plate | about 150 |
Loricifera | Corset bearer | Brush heads | Umbrella-like scales at each end | about 21 |
Micrognathozoa | Tiny jaw animals | — | Accordion like extensible thorax | 1 |
Mollusca | Thin shell | Mollusks / molluscs | Muscular foot and mantle round shell | about 70,000 [1] |
Myxozoa | Slime animals | — | Polar capsules resembling nematocysts | at least 12,000 |
Nematoda | Thread like | Round worms | Round cross section, keratin cuticle | 80 000 - 1 million |
Nematomorpha | Thread form | Horsehair worms | about 320 | |
Nemertea | A sea nymph | Ribbon worms | about 1200 | |
Onychophora | Claw bearer | Velvet worms | Legs tipped by chitinous claws | about 110 modern |
Orthonectida | Straight swim | about 20 | ||
Phoronida | Zeus' mistress | Horseshoe worms | U-shaped gut | 20 |
Placozoa | Tubular animals | 1 | ||
Platyhelminthes | Flat worms | Flat worms | about 25,000 | |
Porifera | Pore bearer | Sponges | Perforated interior wall | over 5,000 modern |
Priapulida | Penis | Priapulid worms | Retractable proboscis surrounded by papillae | 17 |
Rhombozoa | Lozenge animal | — | Single axial cell surrounded by ciliated cells | 75 |
Rotifera | Wheel bearer | Rotifers | Anterior crown of cilia | about 2000 |
Sipuncula | Small tube | Peanut worms | Mouth surrounded by invertible tentacles | 144-320 |
Tardigrada | Slow step | Water bears | Four segmented body and head | about 750 |
Xenoturbellida | Strange flatworm | — | Ciliated deuterostome | 2 |
TOTAL | 2,400,000+ |
List of principal protista phyla
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]Phylum | Meaning | Common name | Distinguishing characteristics |
Rhodophyta | Red plant | Red algae | Algae with no cells having a flagellum |
Chromista | Coloured | None | Algae having chlorophyll |
Alveolates | Little hollows | None | Similarities within this phyla are genetic |
Excavates | Digging | None | Similarities within this phyla are genetic |
Rhizaria | Of roots | None | Amoeboids with pseudopods |
Amoebozoa | Changing animals | Amoeboids | Move by cytoplasmic flow |
Choanozoa | Funnel animal | None | Flagellum surrounded by microvilli |
Many more minor phyla within protista are not listed here |
Groups formerly ranked as phyla
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]Name as phylum | Common name | Current consensus |
Craniata | — | Subgroup of phylum Chordata; perhaps synonymous with Vertebrata. |
Cephalochordata | Lancelets | Subphylum of phylum Chordata |
Cephalorhyncha | — | Superphylum Scalidophora. |
Enterepneusta | Acorn worms | Class of phylum Hemichordata. |
Pentastomida | Tongue worms | Subclass of Maxillopoda of phylum Arthropoda. |
Pogonophora | Beard worms | Part of family Siboglinidae of phylum Annelida. |
Pterobranchia | — | Class of phylum Hemichordata. |
Symplasma | Glass sponges | Class Hexactinellida of phylum Porifera. |
Urochordata | Tunicates | Subphylum of phylum Chordata. |
Vestimentifera | Vent worms | Part of family Siboglinidae of phylum Annelida. |
List of plant divisions
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]Division | Meaning | Common name | Distinguishing characteristics |
Anthophyta | Flower plant | Flowering plants | Producing flowers and fruit (or close relatives) |
Bryophyta | Moss plants | Mosses & Worts | Diploid spores, no vascular system |
Pteridophyta | Fern plants | Ferns | Diploid spores and vascular system |
Pinophyta | Sap/pitch plants | Conifers | Cones containing seeds |
Sphenophyta | Wedge plant | Horsetails | Photosynthetic, hollow, jointed and ridged stems |
Cycadophyta | Palm plants | Cycads | Seeds, crown of compound leaves |
Ginkgophyta | Ginkgo plants | Ginkgo, Maidenhair | Seeds not protected by fruit (single species) |
Gnetophyta | Gnetophytes | Seeds and woody vascular system |
List of fungi divisions
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]Phylum | Meaning | Common name | Distinguishing characteristics |
Chytridiomycota | Little pot mushroom | Chytrids | Cellulose in cell walls, flagellated gametes |
Deuteromycota | Second mushroom | Imperfect fungi | Only reproduce asexually |
Zygomycota | Yoke mushroom | Zygomycetes | Blend gametangia to form a zygosporangium |
Glomeromycota | Ball mushroom | None | Form arbuscular mycorrhizae with plants |
Ascomycota | Bag/Wineskin Mushroom | Sac fungi | Produce spores in an 'ascus |
Basidiomycota | Basidium Mushroom | None | Produce spores from a 'basidium' |