Li Zaza o dımli (zazaki dımli,zazay) èranu n'antica pupulazzioni, nativu o abbitanti dâ Iran.
[cancia | cancia lu còdici]- 'DIMLĪ-ZAZA' – Encyclopaedia Iranica"
- Werner E. (2017) Rivers and Mountains A Historical, Applied Anthropological and Linguistical Study of the Zaza People of Turkey including an Introduction to Applied Cultural Anthropology
- Lutwig Paul, "Zazaki", Gernot Windfuhr, Iranian Languages, Routledge, 2012, Chapter Nine.
- V. Minorsky, Daylam-La Domination des Dailamites, Paris, 1932
- Blau, Gurani et Zaza in R. Schmitt, ed., Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum, Wiesbaden, 1989, 3-88226-413-6, pp. 336–40
- Arakelova, Victoria (1999). "The Zaza People as a New Ethno-Political Factor in the Region": 397.