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Persia era l'anticu Statu, chi oggi è chiamatu Iran. Li tirrituriu era 'n dui Stati: Iran e Iraq.

Shah di Persia

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  • Michael H. Dodgeon, H. Michael, Samuel N.C. Lieu (eds.), The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars (AD 226-363): A Documentary History, Londra, New York, 1991 (ISBN 0-415-10317-7).
  • Taher Sabahi, Shahsavan jajim, Quart, 1998.
  • Heidemarie Koch, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft im persischen Kernland zur Zeit der Achameniden, Wiesbaden, 1990.
  • Rika Gyselen, La geographie administrative de l'empire sassanide: les temoignages sigillographiques, Parigi, 1989.
  • Fritz Hesse, Persien: Entwicklung und Gegenwart, Berlino, 1932.
  • A. H. Nayer-Nouri, Iran's contribution to the world civilization, Tehran
  • F Barth, Nomads of South Persia: the Basseri tribe of the Khamseh confederacy, Waveland Press, 1961
  • C Elgood, A medical history of Persia, University Press, 1951
  • A.K.S. Lambton, Landlord and peasant in Persia, Royal Institute of International Affairs
  • R.N. Frye, The heritage of Persia, Weidenfeld and Nicolson
  • Hans E. Wulff, Traditional Crafts of Persia, Mitpress, 1967
  • S. Mackey, The Iranians: Persia, Islam, and the soul of a nation, Dutton, 1996
  • M. Berberian, M. Qorashi, J.A. Jackson, K. Priestley, The Rudbar-Tarom earthquake of 20 June 1990 in NW Persia; preliminary field and seismological observations, and its tectonic significance, Bull Seism Soc Am, 1992
  • A.Pagliaro-A.Bausani, La letteratura persiana, Sansoni-Accademia, Firenze-Milano 1968
  • A.M. Piemontese, Storia della letteratura persiana, 2 voll., Fratelli Fabbri, Milano 1970
  • C.Saccone, Storia tematica della letteratura persiana classica vol. I: Viaggi e visioni di re sufi profeti, Luni, Milano-Trento 1999; vol.II: Il maestro sufi e la bella cristiana. Poetica della perversione nella Persia medievale, Carocci, Roma 2005

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